Free internet access is a necessity

Ahmed Mansoor
4 min readApr 5, 2020
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Over the past decade, internet usage has raised rapidly. As of 2019, more than half the population of the world (approximately 4.1 billion people) has access to the internet (ITU, 2019). The internet has been transforming our way of life and steering the 21st century. Its usage has been evolving and constructing how we, as a people and as individuals, deal with issues. Its roles are weaving thoroughly to our day-to-day activities, and its usage is so broad and impactful. In consideration of these ‘facts’, the internet should be made freely available to everyone.

Countries provide public services (such as healthcare, education and public transportation) to its citizens, irrespective of their living standard. Some of these services are made freely accessible because of its importance. Today, the internet has become a binding medium to reach or fully practise those services, meaning its availability has to be made accessible.

Photo by Doug Linstedt on Unsplash

For example, amid massive epidemic outbreaks like Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), among everyone instructed to stay at home includes students. Around the globe, due to the closure of educational institutions, over 849.4 million children and youth are impacted…

